Grant Auto Services hails garage management software's "fantastic" MOT history feature

On-demand button within Autowork Online has proved invaluable to the independent garage
Independent garage Grant Auto Services has recently moved to MAM Software's Autowork Online, and several of its features have already proved invaluable to the business. Among them is the new MOT history button, which equips technicians with the information they need to carry out servicing and repairs.
Autowork Online is MAM's feature-rich garage management software. The MOT history button was introduced in the spring 2019 release and provides users with direct access to vehicles' previous test records.
Owner of Grant Auto Services Andy Grant revealed that as an MOT centre, being able to access a vehicle's information so quickly and without having to leave the screen is really advantageous.
"Before we moved to Autowork Online, we used to retrieve these details manually by entering the government website, which we had bookmarked in an internet browser," said Andy.
"We've nicknamed the MOT history function 'the magic button', as we can now see the details of every vehicle that arrives at the garage. It is fantastic to have this information so easily available."
The MOT history button directly retrieves details from the DVSA database and can recall information on vehicles tested in England, Scotland or Wales dating as far back as 2006. Details include a vehicle's full MOT history, current expiry date, any advisories issued and the reasons for failures.
Grant Auto Services also decided to invest in data conversion when it implemented Autowork Online. "We now have 25 years' worth of customer, vehicle and work history on our new system. Our old invoices were also transferred over, which has proved really helpful," Andy explained.
Autowork Online is cloud-based, meaning Andy and his team do not have to manually back up data, or carry out regular updates and maintenance.
"Having a cloud-based system means I don't have to worry about anything," Andy noted. It is also possible for Andy to issue invoices and carry out other administrative tasks remotely, as he can log into the system from anywhere with a suitable internet connection.
"We have only been using Autowork Online for three months, but I can honestly say it's the best thing since sliced bread," Andy concluded.