Loyalty scheme helps McGanns improve footfall and customer retention

Autopart add-on allows retailer to reward customers and enhance its marketing capabilities
McGanns, a family-run high street retail store and user of MAM Software's Autopart business management software, has improved its customer retention thanks to an add-on loyalty module.
The optional module gives customers the opportunity to earn points whenever they make a purchase, which are then converted into monetary amounts to be redeemed against future transactions. Phil Wilkinson, Managing Director of McGanns A1 Motor Stores, revealed that the scheme has proved popular with new and existing customers.
"Autopart's loyalty module has had a positive impact on our customer retention, as people are keen to get a few pounds off their purchase. We're keen to explore anything that helps improve footfall and encourages people to shop on the high street rather than online," Phil noted.
Through the loyalty module, McGanns can run special promotions such as double or bonus points to attract new business to their store. The business uses its email database to send the offers directly to customers, including Black Friday deals, and regularly posts offers to its social media channels.
"We are keen to capture our customers' dates of birth, which will enable us to send out bespoke offers when it is their birthday. This will allow us to be more personal in our marketing," commented Phil.
MAM Software has also been helpful at tweaking the scheme so it fully meets McGanns' requirements. Not only this, the ease of integration with Autopart has helped the company roll the module out across the business, while staff have found it simple to use thanks to the training provided by MAM.
Mark Kendall, Sales Director at MAM Software, said: "There are various add-ons available within Autopart that further extend its functionality. The loyalty module is one example of this, and customers such as McGanns are already seeing a positive effect on their customer satisfaction and retention."